
Stay Focused Mixtape (BritYah x DJ REPENT)

Life gets hectic. Trials and tribulations will come. Distractions will do their best to knock you out of position BUT remember WE GOTTA STAY Focused.

This mixtape means a lot to me because our Sister @BritYah has some of the most beautiful music out. Her records are like David’s harp when things are out of hand and the enemy is attacking! If you need a break from the mess of life grab your bible, some good water, turn this mixtape on and allow this reset to begin!

Full Track List

GeHinnom, Matthew 5:29 BritYah
Ruach Ha’Qodesh, Acts 13:52 BritYah
Besorah, Matthew 24:14 BritYah x Sta’phan The Preacher
Blessings, Genesis 49:25 BritYah
Raise Me When I Fall BritYah
Pull Me Close Sta’phan & BritYah
We Sing and Praise, O Elohim, Tehillim (Psalms) 100 BritYah
Fast & Pray, Isaiah 58:6 BritYah x Anaviel The Servant x Freebrew Elarie
Awaiting, Revelation 14:12 BritYah
Renewed, 2 Corinthians 5:17 BritYah
Stay Focused Freestyle, 2 Timothy 4:2 BritYah
My Heart Tazarath Azaniyah x BritYah
Spared (feat. BritYah) Eshon Burgundy x Zara Royalty
Transformed Bro Yahudiyah x BritYah
Back To My First Love, 1 John 4:19 BritYah x Sta’phan The Preacher
Chasing Something Real, Romans 5:8 BritYah
Win Hezekiyah Feat. BritYah
Kingdom Is Near, Matthew 3:2 BritYah
5 South, The Trip I Won’t 4 Get, Job 37:2 BritYah
Yah Got Me, Romans 8:32 BritYah
No Weapon, Isaiah 54:17 BritYah x Yahudi’Yah
Appreciation, Pilipiyim (Philipians) 2:1-11 BritYah
A Pure Heart, Tehillim (Psalms) 119 BritYah
Righteous, Psalms 1:1 BritYah x Tazarath Azaniyah